I was hurt in a bicycle accident. Now what?

Even if you take all the necessary precautions, riding a bicycle carries a risk, often as a result of factors outside of your control. Bicycle accidents may occur as a result of a collision with a car, pedestrian or another cyclist; a car “dooring” you (i.e. opening their door and striking you while cycling by);…

Wrongful Dismissal and Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination in the workplace is all-too common, both from the employer and fellow employees. In fact, three-quarters of human rights claims are related to discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination has many faces, from failing to assess someone’s abilities and merits, to stereotyping, excluding and specifically targeting. Discrimination can be both intentional and non-intentional, but either…

Wrongful Dismissal and Overtime Pay

If you work for more than 44 hours a week, you may be entitled to overtime pay. If you are terminated from an employment position, you may be able to receive compensation for hours worked above your regular work schedule, as it is money you have earned through your work. Overtime pay is calculated based…